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This is one of the best as well as highly preferred test people go with. SAT test is conducted to check how quickly as well as efficiently you analyse and solve loopholes (Problems). That’s what makes the most out of your academic success by far. The SAT exam ensures to evaluate your critical thinking skills, further making sure you get the deserving positions and opportunities at large. Therefore, if you are a high school junior or senior, you should go with it.

SAT consists of 4 sections. They are Critical Reading Section, Math Section, and Writing Section & Equation Section. With the help of SAT scores you achieve, colleges as well as universities make their admission decisions accordingly. The test longs about 3 hours and 50 minutes.

Countries such as Australia, Finland, Japan, Lebanon, Netherland, South Korea, Turkey, US, UK & Canada highly prefer candidates who crack and score good in SAT test.

Why SAT?
  • Countries such as Australia, Finland, Japan, Lebanon, Netherland, South Korea, Turkey, US, UK and Canada ask for SAT scores
  • Mandatory for international students
  • Scores help you study abroad
  • You will be highly preferred because colleges and schools prefer candidates who clear SAT test successfully!
  • It really makes quickly easy for your preferred college or school to make their admission
  • Can showcase your strengths and qualities
  • Gets you positions and opportunities
  • Highly necessary further in job and other industry-specific hiring purposes!
Eligibility Criteria
  • All the 10th or 12th Grade students can appear for the SAT examination
  • People who are willing to study or work abroad can also appear for it!
  • You should not have any legal proceedings against you
  • Should have command over English Language (Speaking, Reading, Listening & Writing)
  • You should not be physically or mentally challenged
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